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Violets and primroses

It’s been a while since I last posted anything. I’ve paused with my story at the moment but will pick it up again soon. I’ll be attending a two day workshop on creating picture books for children in June which I hope will give me a little guidance with forming the story and weaving in illustrations to compliment it. Any creative ideas I’ve had have made way for holiday or travel ideas. I haven’t come up with any definite plans yet, but I have itchy feet after such a long winter.

VioletPrimroseMeanwhile I’ve taken spare moments to get out in the sunshine and really enjoy the Spring. On one of my recent rambles I took my camera and just had to take shots of a bountiful bank of primroses and violets. Some trees are still bare from winter or in bud. I liked the confusion of branches in this giant oak.
Old tree

This year I want to get more into photography, so I’m hoping to have good enough photos to share with you soon!