I have recently been commissioned to make a Harry Potter altered book. I don’t know that much about the Harry Potter books and I’ve only ever seen Harry Potter films on flights, however, this seemed like a good challenge.
The suggested scene to illustrate was from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter Five when Harry and Ron crash the Ford Anglia they are driving into the Whomping Willow in the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I wanted to make the Whomping Willow the main feature and got caught up in the detail of branches and leaves:

It was fun overlayering the crashed car with the top layer:

I added an owl in the foreground and Hogwarts in the background against a starry sky:

Along with the Harry Potter altered book, I created another ‘Into the Beech Wood’ altered book as part of the same commission:

To accompany this I put together a little booklet with a piece of my writing called Time in the Beech Wood. I wrote it when staying in the Forest Cabin last year. I’ve wanted to do something with this piece for a while, so this seemed like a good opportunity. I played around with my World Tree and deer illustrations to create the cover in Photoshop:

(I think there’s a hint of cave painting or Cretan vase in the design!) I’ll add it to the book as a little gift.