I had a lovely surprise when the post came the other day and I received a copy of the 2018 Earth Pathways calendar. I was very pleased to find that my illustration, ‘The Fadista’, now graces the page for July next year :)

A fadista is a Portugese woman who sings Fado, the lamenting song originally sung by women as early as the 1920s when sailors went to sea. Often the song is about loss, mourning, the sea, shipwrecks and love and I first came across it when I heard the contemporary fadista, Mariza, sing.
COngratulations Alexi……she looks FABULOUS…..Ive never heard of a Fadista before so it’s fun to learn about her. THe calendar looks so beautiful. is that your mermaid too????
Thanks Tania. The calendar is beautiful throughout. The mermaid is someone else’s and it’s rather good! :)
Alexi – it would be soooooo cool to see a WHOLE calender with just YOUR artwork in it!!!! X
That’s a lovely idea Tania :) I’ve certainly considered it but wondered whether I could sell the minimum number I’d need to print! x