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Doodles on wood

Primavera Three GracesMy flat piece of wood from the allotment was sitting waiting for me to paint it or mark it in some way. I’ve been thinking of old wooden desks at school engraved with the initials of countless children and of trees engraved with messages, “so and so woz here” etc.

And, because I’m waiting for Spring to arrive, I’ve been admiring Botticelli’s “Primavera” as I have a print of it on my kitchen wall that I took from a book of mine. I particularly like the Three Graces in the picture and thought I’d add my own three graces in my next piece of art.

I had a picture to draw in mind, a woman bathing in a green sea. I was thinking of it as a Sea of Tranquility (keeping the moon theme going.) I hesitated a bit, not knowing quite how to create the picture I saw in my mind’s eye. In the end I just plunged in as though doodling on a desk with a biro and made a sketchy, scribbled drawing and went over it with watercolour pencil. The wood has it’s own history of moss stains and knots.

It’s rough, it’s sketchy but I made something come to life on the old wood, and, I rather like the ghostliness of it, the scratchy lines and layers.

Bathing in the Sea of TranquilityThree Graces

3 thoughts on “Doodles on wood

  1. The wood knots and background really add to it don’t they.
    Primavera is in a wood, but this is on a piece of wood, which has given it a forest like quality. I like the wildness of it.

  2. I think these are beautiful, and agree with you – the ghostliness is lovely, adding a magical, other worldly quality to the images. Letting go into the doodling mind set is a wonderful way to find your inner voice.

  3. This is beautiful and doing it on the old wood gives it such character!

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