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A Rejected Book Cover

Last year I was approached by a book publisher to design a cover for a new book set in the world of Alice in Wonderland. They wanted me to create an altered book that could be developed into a cover. Sadly, for me, the cover was rejected and they used another – very good – altered book artist, Isobelle Ouzman (if you don’t know her work, do check her out).

Anyway, I thought I’d share my Alice (or rather ‘Alyce’) altered book.

Alyce Altered Book

I can understand why it was rejected – too busy for a cover design. I was following a brief, but with limited guidance. Nevermind.

Now I’ve decided to sell it.

There are three illustrated pages including the top page. Below these there is a deepening, blue-inked hole that has been cut into the book (the actual book I’ve used is a secondhand Alice in Wonderland edition). I may decide to continue the illustration over the left hand page.

The hole represents a pond and it goes quite deep into the book. The final pages of the pond are unillustrated.

Below is my ‘cover’ minus the title and author’s name. Perhaps I’ll make a card out of it?

Cover for 'Alice' book

The altered book is available to buy in my website shop and on Etsy, or contact me if you’re interested.

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